BJD Caribou

Are you excited? Long overdue return of my #octoplumnipplebrooches soon!
Release will be announced on intsagram @octoplum when I have enough ready, so keep an eye pealed ?
Wanna meet ‘Abigails Love Song’ in person? she’s now at the ‘Hearts Blood’ @beautifulbizarremagazine curated show at @havengallery
Exhibition is on between 16th sep- 15th Oct ?
The ‘Hearts blood’ theme is inspired by the beautiful but hearbreaking short story by Oscar Wilde ‘the nightingale and the rose’?
She will be showing along side so many other absolutely amazing artists, it’s really such an honour! When I started sculpting I had no idea I’d be so lucky to get the chance to exhibit with people I have been a fan of for years ❤?
I’m so sad I couldn’t get the funds to travel to the US for the show, so many beautiful works and wonderful people will be there. To anyone who goes, I hope you really enjoy ??? Haven gallery: 155 Main Street, Northport, NY 11768, USA
octoplumHollowing out the mouth! Excited to sculpt all the teeth and stuff. I’ve wanted to do a piece with an open mouth for agesss. Wip for #heartsblood group show with @beautifulbizarremagazine and @havengallery